BACK OFFICE: Giuliana Del Frari
COMPANY PHONE: +390434857000
ADDRESS: Via Carnia, 15 Z.I.P.R. 33078 San Vito al Tagliamento (PN) - Italia

Dear E., thanks for your question.
Consider that in our price list section referred to conveyor ventilated oven, oven and stand are considered separately. So, if the need is to have oven with stand, combine for example codes TNV50E + ST50.
We preferred to describe this way due to the fact that very often we receive inquiries for just the oven ( without any stand). At disposal. E.
Dear V., following your questions, referring to ventilated tunnel ovens line:
– “ventilated” means you have a fan inside chamber, yes, working similar to a convection oven for gastronomy, pastry, etc. The fan permit a faster cooking, and more uniformity of air distribution ( consequently a better cooking performance)
– yes, you can set different temperature values up and bottom of chamber, simply from the control panel.
At disposal,
thanks for cooperation.
Dear S. and U., following yr questions, I uploaded in this page 2 docs. First, user manual, where you can also find instructions regarding maintenance ( what to check regularly, and how often to check). Second, a manual that describes solutions according to eventual inconvenience. At disposal.
For intensive use of the oven, the oven can be used continuously for 10-12 hours. In any case, it is essential to carefully read the installation and user-maintenance manual. Pay attention to maintaining the minimum distances from walls (if possible, on the fan side, to increase the indicated minimum distance) to minimize the issue of overheating.
Check the ambient temperature. If the user is a “food factory,” especially during the summer, temperatures can become excessively high, posing various risks.
FOR EACH USE, it is imperative to strictly adhere to the COOL DOWN (cooling) procedure explained in the manual. ALWAYS WAIT for the cooling procedure before turning off and disconnecting the tunnel.
DAILY CLEANING of the tunnel is required, with special attention to the fan filters and the removal of accumulated flour.
WEEKLY CLEANING of the conveyor belt is necessary.
WEEKLY CLEANING of the internal conveyors is also recommended.
WEEKLY VERIFICATION to ensure that the net is properly tensioned (due to heat, the net tends to loosen).
AT LEAST 2-3 TIMES A YEAR, the tunnel must undergo a COMPLETE MAINTENANCE by a specialized technician.
Lai intensīvi izmantotu krāsni, to var izmantot nepārtraukti 10-12 stundas. Jebkurā gadījumā ir būtiski rūpīgi izlasīt uzstādīšanas un lietošanas uzturēšanas rokasgrāmatu. Pievērsiet uzmanību minimālo attālumu saglabāšanai no sienām (ja iespējams, no ventilatoru puses, lai palielinātu norādīto minimālo attālumu) ar mērķi minimizēt pārkaršanas problēmu.
Pārbaudiet apkārtējo temperatūru. Ja lietotājs ir “pārtikas ražotne”, īpaši vasarā, temperatūra var kļūt pārāk augsta, rada dažādus riskus.
KATRĀ IZMANTOJUMĀ ir būtiski stingri ievērot ATDZESĒŠANAS (atdzesēšanas) procedūru, kas ir izskaidrota rokasgrāmatā. VIENMĒR GAIDA atdzesēšanas procedūru pirms izslēdz un atvieno tuneļa darbību.
IKDIENAS TĪRĪŠANA ir nepieciešama, īpaši pievēršot uzmanību ventilatoru filtriem un uzkrātās miltu noņemšanai.
NEDĒĻAS TĪRĪŠANA sastei ir nepieciešama.
NEDĒĻAS TĪRĪŠANA iekšējiem pārvadātājiem ir ieteicama.
NEDĒĻAS PĀRBAUDE, lai nodrošinātu, ka tīkls ir pareizi savilkts (siltuma ietekmē tīkls var tendēt atlūzt).
VISMAZ 2-3 REIZES GADĀ tuneļam jāveic PILNA UZTURĒŠANA, ko veic speciālists tehniskā jomā.